3 Questions You MUST Answer to Build or Sustain PBIS/MTSS Support
Ownership Matters:
Buy-In and Local Ownership of PBIS/MTSS Impact Fidelity and Outcomes
Gaining buy-in and ownership from local stakeholders is crucial for school-wide initiatives like PBIS/MTSS systems because it fosters a sense of shared responsibility and commitment. Local stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and administrators, play integral roles in the success of these programs. Their support ensures consistent implementation, promotes a positive school culture, and enhances the effectiveness of interventions. Additionally, involving stakeholders from the outset helps tailor initiatives to the specific needs of the school community, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for sustainable change.
3 Questions You MUST Answer to Build or Sustain Support
Three types of information needs to be shared to build ownership, sustain interest, and ensure continuing support (political & financial) for your PBIS/MTSS System:
“The fool tries to convince me with his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own. ”
What Is PBIS?
PBIS is Systems, Data, and Practices that make school a more effective learning environment*:
PBIS is a system and is not a program or curriculum
PBIS is school-wide, evidence-based, and used nationwide
PBIS catches students displaying proper behavior and provides consistent consequences for disruptive behaviors
PBIS teaches and supports students so they can be socially and behaviorally successful
PBIS makes schools more predictable, consistent, positive, and safe for all staff and students
* All links in this section point to the National Center on PBIS
What Are PBIS Outcomes?
Decrease disruptive classroom behaviors and office referrals:
Increase time for academics and academic achievement
Improve school climate and safety
Reduced bullying behavior
Decreased rates of student reported drug/alcohol use
Decreased office referrals, suspensions, restraint and seculusion
Improved teacher outcomes including:
perception of teacher efficiency
perception of school safety
perception of school climate
Why Is PBIS Needed Here?
Share your current office discipline referrals, academic achievement scores, attendance
Share attendance rate, drop-out rate, failure rate, graduation rate, disproportionate suspension rates, and other metrics
Share special education referral rates
See the Assessment Systems Chapter in this manual for more details about using multiple forms of data
Share Your Qualitative Data
Share surveys from staff, student and parents showing their perceptions of the school climate and safety
Share testimonials and success stories
Ask teachers and parents stories
show videos from PBIS schools
spotlight testimonials from staff or students who have experienced PBIS in other schools or districts
Learn the WHY Beneath the WHAT
Parts of this article are a direct excerpt from Chapter 3, Ownership System, from the PBIS Tier 1 Manual. KOI Education offers multiple paths to learning how to implement PBIS/MTSS with fidelity.