Checklist For Choosing a PBIS Service Provider
Choosing a provider of Professional Learning is a task that should not be taken lightly. As leaders and administrators, our role is to not only to identify the needs that are in the best interest of our school and district but also to ensure fiscal responsibility so we get all the services necessary to achieve measurable results.
Use this handy 15-Item Checklist from the state PBIS Advisory Council to rate service providers to see if they can meet the qualification necessary to help schools and district implement a complete PBIS/MTSS system.
“Begin with the end in mind.”
Ask these questions…
Can the service provider demonstrate track record of success assisting schools to implement a PBIS that measurably impacts student outcomes? Ask for the following evidence:
TFI scores over 70%
ODR data showing a decrease in rate of behavior problems/violations across the school year
Written reference and endorsement from the school principal
Does the service provider include the following services for the District/School/Charter/LEA in order to build their training, coaching, and evaluation capacity for the long-term?
PBIS/MTSS Training for School Team and a District Leadership team
PBIS/MTSS Coaching for School and District Teams
PBIS/MTSS Evaluation of School and District Teams
Certified Train-the-Trainer Training for District Personnel to sustain and scale-up implementation across schools or across years
Ask if the provider’s PBIS curriculum and training includes all of the following:
A 3-5 year training scope and sequence including Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 content aligned with research and evidence set forth by the national technical assistance center on PBIS
Multiple full-day trainings each academic year for PBIS School Teams (which include 8-10 members/team including the school administrator)
A focus on staff ownership and buy-in as well as community involvement and support
Annual coaching sessions for District Team using District System Fidelity Inventory (DSFI) for long-term sustainability planning
Multiple coaching sessions for School Teams
Ongoing technical assistance support for all PBIS teams
School site visits to conduct unbiased SET & ISSET evaluations
Training on nationally approved evaluation instruments for assessing PBIS fidelity and outcomes
Download the checklist below to use as a guide to allows you to ask these questions to ensure you get the results you want.