Top 3 Guiding Principles of School Climate and Safety

Thousands of schools have adopted comprehensive, appropriate, and effective programs such as PBIS that have demonstrated an ability to: (1) reduce disruption and misconduct; (2) support and reinforce positive behavior and character development; and (3) help students succeed. Successful programs may incorporate a wide range of strategies to reduce misbehavior and maintain a safe learning environment, including conflict resolution, restorative practices, counseling, and structured systems of positive interventions including PBIS and MTSS.

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Is Your School Database Ready for PBIS?

Everyone is familiar with the phrase “Garbage in, garbage out”. Well, this phrase holds true for school data too. Especially student behavior incidents and office discipline referral (ODR) data. If the data going into our system is not consistent, predictable, and equitable, then schools will not be able to use it for data-based decision making.

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